Fixed Fee. No Hourly Rates.

Get Started With MWH

Real Estate Consult

From first time home buyers to large, corporate investors, the law firm of Whitaker & Hamer, PLLC has closed tens of thousands of real estate transactions in North Carolina.

When you work with one of our attorney’s, you’ll pay a fixed, one-time rate. With that, you will have direct access to our real estate team who will answer all of your questions and walk you through the closing process.

We want you to feel confident and well-informed during the closing process, so let us walk alongside you.

Why MWH?

From Our Clients

“I have been using this firm since 2005 and they are the most down- to-earth, professional firm I have ever used. Their technology and customer service surpasses many local firms. Highly recommended!”
Martha Russell
“The MWH team is who you call for ALL your legal needs. I have personally used the excellent professional services of Damion McCullers and his legal expertise has never failed me. I trust his abilities so much I have referred several family members and friends to him for assistance. MWH is prompt and attentive to their clients and that quality is rare in this busy legal industry. I applaud the MWH team.”
Jan Sanders
“"Thank you McCullers, Whitaker & Hamer PLLC for a clean, quick closing!"”
Andrew Jones